Large and in... what is that, anyway?

"Abomination in the Abyss"

Irregular dimensions; acrylic & oil on recycled wood. Fused frame consists of salvaged Star Foam & wire, shells, bones, teeth, resin, putty, found objects, automotive paint, acrylics, sealant.
Concepts: H.P. Lovecraft, Lin Carter

Ythogtha, Cthulhu's second child by Idh-yaa was gifted with extraordinary mass, a gargantuan monstrosity beyond any reason. For his prison, the cosmic jailers selected a place known as the "Abyss of Yhe", which was a deep trench beneath the land of Mu. An ambitious sorcerer by the name of "Zanthu" attempted to call Ythogtha forth from Yhe, whereupon earthquakes and volcanic eruptions shook the ancient continent to its current submerged state. While theories abound regarding where this location may still be found beneath the Pacific Ocean, why anyone would want to figure it out is beyond me.

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